June 7 (Bloomberg) -- Marvin Barth, chief investment strategist at Tennenbaum Capital Partners, talks with Bloomberg's Matt Miller and Carol Massar about the impact of Europe's sovereign debt crisis on U.S. corporate bonds. Barth also discusses the outlook for stock markets and his investment strategy for distressed debt.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
G-20 Policy Makers Clash Over Prescriptions for Recover
June 7 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Zeb Eckert reports on the two-day meeting of Group of 20 finance chiefs that concluded on May 5 in Busan, South Korea. Global policy makers are starting to clash over their individual prescriptions for recovery as Europe demands lower budget deficits while the U.S. warns against pushing exports instead of domestic demand.
$6 to $8 Gas? Prices Will "Skyrocket" If U.S. Stops Drilling, Says Former Shell Exec
The BP disaster has raised questions about halting risky, domestic oil extraction procedures altogether, including deep-water programs. But Hofmeister -- a longtime advocate of more domestic drilling -- says Americans simply can't afford to stop drilling. (America's net imports of foreign oil have jumped to 58.2 percent in 2007 from 34.8 percent in 1973, according to the latest annual figures from the U.S. government.)
Einhorn Says Market Share Quest `Compromised' Ratings
Bloomberg June 3, 2010 -- David Einhorn, chairman of Greenlight Capital Inc., talks with Bloomberg's Betty Liu about the possible role of credit-ratings companies in the financial crisis and the outlook for the industry following yesterday's Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearings.
G20 finance ministers' debt warning
Reuters, June 6, 2010. Finance ministers in the G20 say governments must get public finances in order to avert the spreading of a debt crisis through Europe.
Jobs Impact on Economy
CNBC video discussing whether the American dream is dying, with Robert Reich, U Cal - Berkeley and Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal. Reich places 50/50 odds on a double dip recession.