Chinese Delegation Visits the AIM Program to Discuss Furthering Relationships
On July 21, four administrators and professors from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) met with representatives of Marquette’s College of Business Administration, University Advancement, and the AIM program. They discussed the continuation of the partnership that was begun in 2008 when Dr. Krause and other Marquette administrators visited Beijing.
The BIT delegation included: University Vice President of Finance, Professor Yang Bin; Director of Alumni Association, Mrs. Duan Liping; School of Management & Economics Professors Qi Chun; and Visiting Professor, Chenyu (Richard) Zhang. Dr. Krause said, “We were delighted to host Dr. Zhang and his colleagues from the Beijing Institute of Technology. Richard and I have been talking about ways we can further our partnership. It was useful to have this discussion with the entire delegation – I am hopeful we will implement ways for our students to collaborate and work together.”
The group was kept busy during the day meeting with various representatives of Marquette University. Following a meeting with Dr. Krause in the AIM Research Room, the Director of International Business Studies, Dr. Jamshid Hosseini, talked about expanding the student exchange opportunities between the two universities. Debra Markoff, the Director of Development for the College of Business Administration, and Jon Paparsenos, the Director of Northeast Regional Development talked with the guests about alumni relations. Additionally, the Director of the Office of International Education, Terence Miller, conversed with the delegation the opportunities for advanced relations. Following a campus tour the group met with the Keyes Dean of the College of Business Administration, Dr. Linda Salchenberger.
Krause summarized the results of the visit by stating, “I was very impressed with BIT when I visited in 2008 and I want to find ways to work with Dr. Zhang and others to enable us to visit Beijing in the near future. I believe that the cultural and social experiences of visiting and studying with students from BIT would be extremely valuable. We could conduct joint investment research where we have a Marquette AIM student paired up with a finance student from BIT. I hope to visit Beijing with some AIM students and help Richard establish an AIM-like program at BIT. This was a very rewarding day for everyone involved.”