Dr. Krause and Matt Grimm (AIM ’07, Cascade Investments, Seattle)
conducted a breakout session entitled: *Stocks,
Bonds, and Commodities: What Happens When Interest Rates Rise? [It sure looks like it was a timely topic!] The
session was well attended with everyone participating in a lively discussion of the current economic and investment trends.

Prior to the Circles event Dr. Krause had the
opportunity to travel to Redmond and meet Marquette alumni who work at Microsoft. The luncheon
included: Rosanna (Montealegre)
Bashinski [COBA ’01, Chief of Staff of the CFO]; Kevin P. Idzi [COBA ’00, Technical
Architect]; and Michael T. Spencer [COBA
’95, Finance Director]. These visits with alumni can be very productive – for instance,
as a result of the meeting a recent AIM graduate was able to interview with Microsoft
the following week for their financial rotational program – and he received an
offer and will begin with them in July!
Following this event, Dr. Krause
visited Cascade Investments (BGI), where he had the opportunity to meet up with
many of his AIM alumnus, as well as meet with other Cascade investment and
human relations professionals. The prior evening Dr. Krause also had the
opportunity to have dinner with other Marquette alumni – including Katie
Koutnik, Jason Weiner, Matt Grimm, Jacob Bear, and Ryan Denton. It was a fun
evening on the pier enjoying Seattle’s finest seafood.
* STOCKS, BONDS AND COMMODITIES: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN INTEREST RATES RISE With Matt Grimm, MU Bus Ad ’07, Investment Analyst, Cascade Investment, LLC; and David Krause, Ph.D., Director, Marquette University’s Applied Investment Management Program
Will the financial markets behave differently after the U.S. Federal Reserve stops supporting low interest rates? What is the outlook for different investments and commodities if interest rates eventually rise? Dr. David Krause and Matt Grimm will lead a roundtable