Marquette Team Wins Milwaukee CFA Investment Research

Dr. David Krause, AIM program director and CFA team faculty
advisor, commented “I’m proud of the members of the AIM program who
participated in the CFA Research Challenge. Dr. Joseph Wall served as the team’s
industry mentor and I want to send out a special thank you to him for his
efforts to support the student teams. I believe that both the Blue and the Gold
teams could have been the overall winner – they both did an outstanding job. We
look forward to participating in the Americas Challenge in Boston next month.”
The members of the AIM Blue team included:
- Andrew
- Brooke
- Charles
- Connor
- Stephen
members of Marquette AIM “Gold” team included:
- Adam
- Grant
- Holly Kuffel
- Mitchel Beine
- Michael
The Milwaukee CFA Society research company this year was
AptarGroup (ticker: ATR). The teams in the competition included students from:
- · Carroll University
- · Marquette University - Blue & Gold Team
- · UW-Madison
- · UW-Whitewater - Team 1 & Team 2
Each of
the teams in the local competition were required to make a 10-minute oral
presentation to a panel of judges followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. The panel graded
the presentation and Question and Answer competitions – and when combined with
the score on the written research report – were able to determine the winning
CFA Institute Research Challenge offers students the unique opportunity to
learn from leading industry experts and compete with peers from the world’s top
finance programs. This annual educational initiative promotes best
practices in equity research among the next generation of analysts through
hands-on mentoring and intensive training in company analysis and presentation