The Americas Regional Finals of the CFA Institute Research Challenge Are Fast Approaching!
We are excited to present the CFA Institute Research
Challenge, a global contest that features student teams from more
than 1,000 universities around the world. It’s exciting, educational,
and a great way to see the future talent of the investment
You can now watch via livestream
competing teams deliver their presentations to a panel of real
investment professionals during each of the three Regional Finals as
well as the Global Final. Plus, a virtual voting option will allow
you to rate each team’s performance to see how your views align with
those of the official judges.
Americas Regional
Final – Livestream from Boston
20 March 2018
4:30 pm New York time / 9:30 pm London time / 5:30 am Hong Kong time
(+1 day)
Europe, Middle East,
Africa Regional Final – Livestream from Dublin
5 April 2018
11:30 am New York time / 4:30 pm London time / 12:30 am Hong Kong
time (+1 day)
Asia-Pacific Regional
Final – Livestream from Kuala Lumpur
26 April 2018
3:30 am New York time / 8:30 am London time / 4:30 pm Hong Kong time
Global Final –
Livestream from Kuala Lumpur
27 April 2018
2:00 am New York time / 7:00 am London time/ 3:00 pm Hong Kong time
*Click the "Remind Me" calendar icon on live stream page to
set a calendar reminder for the event.
Interested in Getting Involved with the Research Challenge?
Part of what makes the CFA Institute Research Challenge a meaningful
experience for students and universities is its connection to the
real world of investment management. On a team-by-team, regional, and
global basis, CFA Institute relies on volunteers to engage with
students as faculty advisers, mentors, and judges. If you’d like to
volunteer to be part of next season’s event, please visit the Research Challenge
