Students in Dr. Krause's FinTech Topics course will be soon popping the hoods on the various robo-adviser and digital banking products to evaluate their true costs and effectiveness
Coutts forwards the concept that maybe the investment industry
has reached its peak (similar to peak oil) and it may have reached the point where
the industry has extracted the maximum rate of return from its clients’ assets.
The incredible growth of low-cost funds over traditional investment products is
exhibit 1 in the argument that investors are fighting back against hidden fees and mediocre performance.
Millennials are seeking financial advice, but they
are also more likely to trust digital advice from automated investment services
(robo-advisors and mobile banking apps) than their parent’s generation.
US market research company, Forrester, recently surveyed online
adults in twenty markets to determine their need for, and perception of,
financial services. The resulting report tells it all, “Millennials want
financial advice, with or without humans.”
I have an assignment due soon from the students in my spring semester
FinTech Topics course where they are going to be doing deep research into the
true fees and costs of the robo-investment and digital banking products. They will study performance
relative to fees and provide an evaluation of the value of these new banking
and investing products. We’ll be certain to post their results soon – it should
be interesting to see what this group of millennials concludes about digital versus traditional finance.