Wednesday, January 25: R.W. Baird information session. For those students with an interest in interning with Baird, this would be a good way to not only learn more about the program, bualso to start networking with the professionals at Baird. Marquette has a very good relationship with RW Baird and they are looking forward to meeting our finance majors.

Other upcoming events, including Friday's AIM student equity presentations, are listed on the AIM website (www.busadm.mu/aim) and the AIM Blog (http://aimprogramblog.blogspot.com/).
Marquette FMA E-Board Join us on:Elizabeth Buckton, President Facebook: http://tiny.cc/MUFMA
Varun Varma, Officer LinkedIn: http://tiny.cc/LinkedInFMA
Brent Adams, Officer Twitter: twitter.com/MarquetteFMA
Ben Lange, Officer