Monday, February 8, 2016

“Beating the Stock Market: Measuring the Predictive Power of Twitter Sentiment Analysis” by Alex Isken

logoThis is a special note offering congratulations to Alex Isken (AIM Class of 2015) – his independent research project was accepted for presentation at the 6th Undergraduate Conference in Information Systems (UCIS) at Carnegie-Mellon University The conference will be held on Saturday, February 27, 2016, in Pittsburgh, PA.



Alex Isken
“Beating the Stock Market: Measuring the Predictive Power of Twitter Sentiment Analysis” by Alex Isken was considered to be one of the top five submissions and he was awarded a $500 travel grant to present at Carnegie Mellon.

In a previous blog entry we highlighted about Alex’s contributions in hosting a ‘big data and fundamental analysis” workshop to the AIM students. His knowledge of how to mine data from micro-blogs was shared with other students and has led to a special exercise being added to the AIM curriculum.


Another Marquette student had a research article accepted by UCIS. We would also like to congratulate Alex Mueller for his “Python Programming in Web Vulnerability Assessments” article.