Marquette University’s AIM students are pitching eight stocks in Chicago on Friday, April 29, beginning at 11:00 am at 155 N. Wacker Drive. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Dr. David Krause at: or Jennifer Sloan (in Marquette's Chicago office) at: You can also call Jennifer at (312) 739-2424 if you need directions or additional information about the event. We hope you can attend.
The first set of four AIM student presentations will begin at 11:00am and should last until about noon. We will then have a 15 minute lunch break that will be followed at 12:15pm by the second set of four AIM student presentations which should last until about 1:15pm. (You are invited to both sets of presentations; however, we understand that some of you will only be able to participate in one of the two sessions.) The order of the presentations is alphabetical by ticker.
The first set of four AIM student presentations will begin at 11:00am and should last until about noon. We will then have a 15 minute lunch break that will be followed at 12:15pm by the second set of four AIM student presentations which should last until about 1:15pm. (You are invited to both sets of presentations; however, we understand that some of you will only be able to participate in one of the two sessions.) The order of the presentations is alphabetical by ticker.